5 Trends that Are Shaping Our Workforce As We Know It

5 Trends that Are Shaping Our Workforce As We Know It

There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic changed the world as we know it and, in more ways than one, it is having a profound impact on the job market and workforce. A lot of trends are taking hold in the post-pandemic world that is changing how people work with each other and seek employment. Here are several trends that are shaping our workforce as we know it.

Distributed Workforce

Working remotely is easier than ever. That’s great, considering a large percentage of workers are performing their tasks from a remote workspace. During the pandemic, many people shifted to working from home or other remote spaces. Over the span of a year, communications technology, audio and visual connections, and other tech have made it even easier to work outside of the traditional setting. Because of this, we can expect to see the workforce more widely distributed in a geographic sense.

This also means that employers will no longer be bound by location when seeking out new candidates for open positions. Overall, this will expand the available talent pool and enable employers to hire in a more cost-effective manner.

More Tech-Focused Than Ever

Today’s workforce is more digitized and tech-focused than ever. While automation and AI may replace some jobs in the workplace, it will open up more career opportunities for employees to work alongside technology. This means that the human contribution to the workplace will change. Many current employees will need upskilling and reskilling to find their new place in the more tech-focused work setting.

Higher Demand for Creative Skills

Technical skills, while still important, will be less marketable than creative skills moving forward. Employers will be looking for workers who are able to be innovative. Analytical thinking, adaptive learning, problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity will all be highly sought-after skills.

Need to Include Older Demographics

With all of the above in mind, it will take more work for employers to include older demographics in their workforce. It is important that no one is left behind in the shift to a more tech-focused workplace and society. This means many employers will need to take active measures to eliminate bias during the hiring process. You will need to get rid of any limiting language in job postings, offer on-the-job training for newer technology, and aim to have a diverse staff.

Improved Benefits

Another huge shift employers can expect to see is that more employees are looking for more inclusive benefits packages. They will be searching for benefits that go beyond just paid time off and health insurance. Many employees will also be looking for their employers to invest in their career development, mental health, and other nontraditional benefits. Employers will need to take this into consideration as they gear up to restaff their businesses in the post-pandemic world.

The workforce is changing rapidly and staying on top of everything may seem impossible. Thankfully, the Staffing Resource Group is here to help. Learn more about our services and how we can help you adjust to the trends shaping your workforce.