Can My Employer Mandate the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Can My Employer Mandate the COVID-19 Vaccine?

The COVID-19 pandemic changed a lot about how we interact and work with each other. Vaccines are working to help us get back to normal, but there are still many gray areas where mandates are concerned. Many companies are discussing making the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for their employees, which leaves many people wondering about their jobs.

Vaccine Mandates

As more people start returning to the office, vaccine mandates are becoming a hot topic. Many employers are trying to consider what steps they need to take to ensure the safety and happiness of their staff. Having the vaccine mandated is quite a change from the beginning of the year when many employers were simply encouraging their employees to get the shot.

Now, to prevent more layoffs or potentially shutting down again, employers are considering making the vaccine mandatory. That being said, here is what workers need to know about mandates and what their employer can actually require.

Your Employer Can Mandate the COVID Vaccine

Yes, your employer can mandate that you get the COVID-19 vaccine. They can also require you to be tested for COVID frequently to ensure you are not spreading the virus around the workplace. Federal laws do not prohibit them from doing so. Even the White House has started to require vaccines for contractors to work with the government.

In fact, the U.S. government is imposing vaccine requirements on many private employers. Any companies with 100 or more employees are required by the federal government to mandate vaccines or require employees to undergo weekly COVID-19 testing. However, local and state governments have moved forward to bar companies from requiring the vaccine. When it comes down to it, it will be up to the employer as to whether or not the vaccine will be mandated.

You Can Get Fired

If your employer chooses to mandate the vaccine and you do not comply, you can get fired. After all, it is a policy written by your employer that you are refusing to follow. By being unvaccinated and coming into the office, you would technically be violating company policy which gives them the grounds to fire you.

On top of that, you may not be eligible for unemployment benefits if you are fired due to being unvaccinated. While the laws around this are still being formed, it is possible that being terminated due to your vaccination status may impact your ability to collect unemployment. This is because you would have technically chosen to not follow company policy, leading to you being fired. Of course, this may vary state by state. So, pay attention to your local and state laws as regulations are sorted out regarding COVID vaccines.

Finding Work

Vaccinations are something job seekers must keep in mind now as well. Depending on where you live and what type of work you are looking for, being vaccinated may play a key role in your job search. Certain employers may require candidates to be vaccinated before moving forward with the hiring process. Others might require you to get the shot within a set time frame after being employed.

Working with an agency like the Staffing Resource Group can keep you informed on employer requirements and help you find work. Contact us for more information on how we can assist you.

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