5 Poor Work Habits We’re Ditching This Year

5 Poor Work Habits We’re Ditching This Year

During one’s life sciences career, it’s common to develop work habits. While some may help you excel, others aren’t as conducive when it comes to supporting ongoing success and they may be a significant hindrance, harming your productivity significantly.

As a life sciences professional, honestly assessing your routines and go-to strategies is essential to ensure that none of the mechanisms, mindsets, or processes you have in place are doing more harm than good. With that in mind, here’s a look at five poor work habits we’re ditching this year that you may want to consider losing, too.

1. Procrastination

Often, the idea of doing work tasks that you don’t enjoy weighs heavily on your mind. As a result, you may be tempted to put the activity off until the next day (or close to the deadline) as a means of avoiding responsibilities you find tedious or difficult. However, that approach can often backfire.

When you try and sidestep duties you don’t want to handle, the fact that they’re sitting on your to-do list can actually increase your stress levels. Plus, trying to rush and do them at the last minute can be incredibly anxiety-inducing and may diminish your work quality.

Instead, tackle responsibilities you don’t enjoy as soon as possible. By doing so, you’ll get a sense of relief that it’s handled and can handle it during a time where you can give it the required amount of attention, as well as avoid any of the trapping associated with delaying the inevitable.

2. Not Networking

In many cases, life sciences professionals view networking as an unnecessary burden. However, it’s legitimately a powerful tool that can boost your career and provide sources of support. Forging new connections and maintaining existing relationships gives you access to a sounding board when you encounter a challenge. Plus, members of your network may be able to connect you to career-boosting opportunities, making the required effort worthwhile.

3. Working When Ill

Many professionals believe that pushing themselves to work when they’re under the weather is a must. At times, the pressure to do so comes from within, though it may be augmented by external factors, too.

Ultimately, when you’re legitimately ill, your ability to focus is hindered, leading to lower-quality outputs. Additionally, if you come to a formal workplace, you expose others to something potentially contagious. Instead, use your sick leave if you’re ill, allowing you to rest and, potentially, heal faster.

4. Working Through Breaks

When you’re dealing with a massive workload, it may make it seem like working through your breaks – including lunches – is a smart choice. The notion is usually based on capturing more working hours, allowing you to spend more time focused on your responsibilities.

However, working through breaks is inherently draining. You aren’t seizing opportunities to relax and recharge, which can harm your ability to focus and remain productive. Instead, take your breaks and lunches away from your workstation, allowing you to rest briefly so that you can return to your tasks rejuvenated.

5. Staying in a Bad Job

It isn’t uncommon for professionals to stay in a wrong-fit life sciences job for far longer than they should. At times, it’s due to a sense of loyalty or a belief that the situation will magically improve. In others, it’s a fear of looking like a job hopper.

However, moving on to something new can be the better choice. It allows you to find a job that you find satisfying and that can help you grow and advance. As a result, leaving a bad job is often worth the risk/

Are you ready for a new career-boosting life sciences job? Partner with the Staffing Resource Group to find a right-fit opportunity quickly. Contact us to learn more about our services today.

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