
3 Remote Policies to Incorporate In Your Employee Handbook

Many companies transitioned into remote work settings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though the pandemic is winding down with many people getting vaccinated, remote work isn’t going anywhere. Some organizations are choosing to keep their remote workspaces because of the benefits they’ve seen, such as increased productivity and better work-life

How to Land a Job in Vaccine Research

Pursuing a career in life sciences and vaccine research is exciting. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many blossoming researchers have been looking for ways to use their skills and expertise to land a new job. There are some things you will need to consider before embarking on your search though. Here

4 Tips to Ensure Company Confidentiality When an Employee Quits

When you have an employee unexpectedly quit, company confidentiality can be a huge concern, especially if they are not leaving on good terms. However, there are ways to ensure that the break away from the employee remains pain-free. Here are a few tips to ensure company confidentiality when an employee

Networking Tips to Landing Your Next Job

There are a number of things you need to think about while looking for a new job. Networking can greatly increase your chances of landing a job interview. This is because it gives you a way to talk with people who are already working in the field or within the

COVID Champion – Stephen Kelly

Throughout the pandemic, the Staffing Resource Group has been looking for ways to continue assisting job seekers and employers. There are always stand-out individuals in the bunch. This month’s COVID Champion is Stephen Kelly. About Stephen Kelly Kelly’s inspiration for computers started when he took a Computer Basics class in

How Geographic Hiring Has Changed During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed nearly everything we knew about life, but it has had a profound impact on the job market and the companies doing the hiring. In the past, economic downturns like this have put a serious halt on hiring for most businesses. However, employers can approach this

8 Important Risk Management Skills Every Vaccine Creator Must Have

Working in life sciences is different than many other industries. There are different risks to take into account than, say, a tech company may have. However, like other industries, there are ways your company can mitigate those risks. If you are a vaccine creator, be sure you have these risk

Open to New Work? Utilize LinkedIn in Your Job Search

The way job seekers are finding work is changing with the new wave of technology and remote opportunities. Like the job market is changing, the way people source potential candidates is changing as well. Because of this, your online presence and utilizing social media like LinkedIn in your job search

How to Improve Employee Retention When Working Remotely

Today, working remotely is more common than not. The shift into remote workspaces has been a big transition for both employees and employers. Employees have to find new ways to work with their colleagues and employers have to search for ways to keep their employees engaged. Here are a few

Everything We Know About Mandating the COVID-19 Vaccine

After COVID-19 wreaked havoc on many businesses and the world last year, employers are trying to identify what the next steps are in terms of returning to normal. Because it is uncharted territory, many employers are wondering if and how they can mandate the COVID-19 vaccine among their workers. Can