
Video Interview Tips for Job Searching During COVID-19

Video interviews have been happening for years and since the COVID-19 pandemic, they have become increasingly popular. In fact, most companies are asking for you to interview virtually. For people who have never had an interview via video chat before, it may seem a bit nerve-wracking. Below are a few

Maneuvering Your Job Search Through COVID-19

Right now times are very uncertain, very stressful and even a bit frightening. The COVID-19 outbreak has not only caused a health crisis but an economic crisis, as well. In a matter of days, millions of people found themselves suddenly out of work. Millions more are weeks or even days

Benefits of Maintaining Strong Communication With Your Candidates Through A Crisis

Communicating with your candidates is always important, but maintaining strong communication with them during a crisis can set you apart from your competitors. Thanks to COVID-19, our economy came to a grinding halt in March, and businesses are facing unique challenges. On one hand, millions of businesses were deemed “non-essential”

Virtual Project Management: How to Maximize Your Productivity

With many businesses shifting to virtual workspaces, it is important to identify tools and methods to maintain productivity no matter where you are working from. Having an unstable process, poor leadership, unclear expectations, and no resources available makes virtual project management doomed to fail. Thankfully, there is plenty you can

Can a Recruitment Agency Help You Win Government Contracts? Yes!

Partnering with a staffing agency can help you land government contracts. They have experience in what it takes to win these contracts and can bring all of their resources together to put you in a position for success. There are a few clear benefits of working with a recruitment agency

5 Ways to Improve Your Virtual Professional Recruitment Process

Pretty much every industry is looking for ways to optimize their virtual processes, including their recruitment strategies. More people are working from home and, at the very least, are searching and applying for work from home during the pandemic. Needless to say, it is important for you to fine-tune your

Your Security Clearance and COVID-19: What to Expect

Just about everything in everyday life has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in some way. This includes the way local and state offices have been able to adapt and keep up with security. As the rest of the country locked down, offices that typically gather fingerprints for credentialing standards

How Your Employer Brand Can Lead to Your Next Pharma Placement

Your company’s reputation is everything and can lead to potential or missed opportunities, depending on what other businesses and individuals think. This reputation, known as your brand, extends beyond advertising and earning money. Your brand also includes the way you treat your employees. Here is how your employer brand may

How to Prepare Your Office for the “Return to Normalcy”

Many companies are beginning to prepare for a slow return to the workplace over the next few weeks as businesses reopen. Planning for a safe return to the office can be overwhelming, especially when there still isn’t much known about COVID-19 or its potential future impact. However, there are a

6 Tips to a More Diverse Biopharma Talent Pipeline

There is no “quick fix” to becoming a more diverse workplace. However, even the smallest of changes can help make large improvements over time. But it does take time. It is also true that certain professions, such as tech and science professions, have a harder time gaining access to more